Source code for picterra.client

import json
import logging
import os
import tempfile
import time
import warnings
from import Callable
from typing import Any, Generic, Iterator, Literal, TypedDict, TypeVar
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin

import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

logger = logging.getLogger()

CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES = 8192  # 8 KiB

[docs] class APIError(Exception): """Generic API error exception""" pass
class _RequestsSession(requests.Session): """ Override requests session to to implement a global session timeout """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.headers.update( {"User-Agent": "picterra-python %s" % self.headers["User-Agent"]} ) def request(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("timeout", self.timeout) return super().request(*args, **kwargs) def _download_to_file(url: str, filename: str): # Given we do not use self.sess the timeout is disabled (requests default), and this # is good as file download can take a long time with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() with open(filename, "wb+") as f: logger.debug("Downloading to file %s.." % filename) for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) def _upload_file_to_blobstore(upload_url: str, filename: str): if not (os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename)): raise ValueError("Invalid file: " + filename) with open( filename, "rb" ) as f: # binary recommended by requests stream upload (see link below) logger.debug("Opening and streaming to upload file %s" % filename) # Given we do not use self.sess the timeout is disabled (requests default), and this # is good as file upload can take a long time. Also we use requests streaming upload # ( to avoid # reading the (potentially large) layer GeoJSON in memory resp = requests.put(upload_url, data=f) if not resp.ok: logger.error("Error when uploading to blobstore %s" % upload_url) raise APIError(resp.text) T = TypeVar("T")
[docs] class ResultsPage(Generic[T]): """ Interface for a paginated response from the API Typically the endpoint returning list of objects return them splitted in pages (page 1, page 2, etc..) of a fixed dimension (eg 20). Thus each `list_XX` function returns a ResultsPage (by default the first one); once you have a ResultsPage for a given list of objects, you can: * check its length with `len()` (eg `len(page)`) * access a single element with the index operator `[]` (eg `page[5]`) * turn it into a list of dictionaries with `list()` (eg `list(page)`) * get the next page with `.next()` (eg ``); this could return None if the list is finished You can also get a specific page passing the page number to the `list_XX` function """ def __init__(self, url: str, fetch: Callable[[str], requests.Response]): resp = fetch(url) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) r: dict[str, Any] = resp.json() next_url: str | None = r["next"] results: list[T] = r["results"] self._fetch = fetch self._next_url = next_url self._results = results self._url = url def next(self): return ResultsPage(self._next_url, self._fetch) if self._next_url else None def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._results) def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> T: return self._results[key] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]: return iter([self._results[i] for i in range(len(self._results))]) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{len(self._results)} results from {self._url}"
class Feature(TypedDict): type: Literal["Feature"] properties: dict[str, Any] geometry: dict[str, Any] class FeatureCollection(TypedDict): type: Literal["FeatureCollection"] features: list[Feature]
[docs] class APIClient: """Main client class for the Picterra API""" def __init__( self, timeout: int = 30, max_retries: int = 3, backoff_factor: int = 10 ): """ Args: timeout: number of seconds before the request times out max_retries: max attempts when ecountering gateway issues or throttles; see retry_strategy comment below backoff_factor: factor used nin the backoff algorithm; see retry_strategy comment below """ base_url = os.environ.get( "PICTERRA_BASE_URL", "" ) api_key = os.environ.get("PICTERRA_API_KEY", None) if not api_key: raise APIError("PICTERRA_API_KEY environment variable is not defined") "Using base_url=%s; %d max retries, %d backoff and %s timeout.", base_url, max_retries, backoff_factor, timeout, ) self.base_url = base_url # Create the session with a default timeout (30 sec), that we can then # override on a per-endpoint basis (will be disabled for file uploads and downloads) self.sess = _RequestsSession(timeout=timeout) # Retry: we set the HTTP codes for our throttle (429) plus possible gateway problems (50*), # and for polling methods (GET), as non-idempotent ones should be addressed via idempotency # key mechanism; given the algorithm is {<backoff_factor> * (2 **<retries-1>}, and we # default to 30s for polling and max 30 req/min, the default 5-10-20 sequence should # provide enough room for recovery retry_strategy = Retry( total=max_retries, status_forcelist=[429, 502, 503, 504], backoff_factor=backoff_factor, allowed_methods=["GET"], ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy) self.sess.mount("https://", adapter) self.sess.mount("http://", adapter) # Authentication self.sess.headers.update({"X-Api-Key": api_key}) def _api_url(self, path: str, params: dict[str, Any] | None = None): base_url = urljoin(self.base_url, path) if not params: return base_url else: qstr = urlencode(params) return "%s?%s" % (base_url, qstr) def _wait_until_operation_completes( self, operation_response: dict[str, Any] ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Polls an operation an returns its data""" operation_id = operation_response["operation_id"] poll_interval = operation_response["poll_interval"] # Just sleep for a short while the first time time.sleep(poll_interval * 0.1) while True:"Polling operation id %s" % operation_id) resp = self.sess.get( self._api_url("operations/%s/" % operation_id), ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) status = resp.json()["status"]"status=%s" % status) if status == "success": break if status == "failed": raise APIError("Operation %s failed" % operation_id) time.sleep(poll_interval) return resp.json() def _return_results_page( self, resource_endpoint: str, params: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> ResultsPage: if params is None: params = {} if "page_number" not in params: params["page_number"] = 1 url = self._api_url("%s/" % resource_endpoint, params=params) return ResultsPage(url, self.sess.get)
[docs] def upload_raster( self, filename: str, name: str, folder_id: str | None = None, captured_at: str | None = None, identity_key: str | None = None, multispectral: bool = False, cloud_coverage: int | None = None, user_tag: str | None = None, ) -> str: """ Upload a raster to picterra. Args: filename: Local filename of raster to upload name: A human-readable name for this raster folder_id: Id of the folder this raster belongs to; if not provided, the raster will be put in the "Picterra API Project" folder captured_at: ISO-8601 date and time at which this raster was captured, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm[:ss[.uuuuuu]][+HH:MM|-HH:MM|Z]; e.g. "2020-01-01T12:34:56.789Z" identity_key: Personal identifier for this raster. multispectral: If True, the raster is in multispectral mode and can have an associated band specification cloud_coverage: Raster cloud coverage %. user_tag (beta): Raster tag Returns: raster_id: The id of the uploaded raster """ data: dict[str, Any] = {"name": name, "multispectral": multispectral} if folder_id is not None: data.update({"folder_id": folder_id}) if captured_at is not None: data.update({"captured_at": captured_at}) if identity_key is not None: data.update({"identity_key": identity_key}) if cloud_coverage is not None: data.update({"cloud_coverage": cloud_coverage}) if user_tag is not None: data.update({"user_tag": user_tag}) resp ="rasters/upload/file/"), json=data) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) data = resp.json() upload_url = str(data["upload_url"]) raster_id: str = data["raster_id"] _upload_file_to_blobstore(upload_url, filename) resp ="rasters/%s/commit/" % raster_id)) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) self._wait_until_operation_completes(resp.json()) return raster_id
[docs] def list_folder_detectors(self, folder_id: str, page_number: int | None = None): """ List of detectors assigned to a given folder, see `ResultsPage` for the pagination access pattern. This a **beta** function, subject to change. Args: folder_id: The id of the folder to obtain the detectors for page_number: Optional page (from 1) of the list we want to retrieve Returns: A ResultsPage object that contains a slice of the list of detector dictionaries, plus methods to retrieve the other pages Example: :: { "id": "id1", "name": "detector1", "is_runnable": True, "user_tag": "tag1", }, { "id": "id2", "name": "detector2", "is_runnable": False, "user_tag": "tag2", } """ return self._return_results_page( "folders/%s/detectors" % folder_id, {"page_number": page_number} if page_number is not None else None, )
[docs] def list_rasters( self, folder_id: str | None = None, search_string: str | None = None, user_tag: str | None = None, max_cloud_coverage: int | None = None, captured_before: str | None = None, captured_after: str | None = None, has_vector_layers: bool | None = None, page_number: int | None = None, ): """ List of rasters metadata, see `ResultsPage` for the pagination access pattern. Args: folder_id: The id of the folder to search rasters in search_string: The search term used to filter rasters by name user_tag: [beta] The user tag to filter rasters by max_cloud_coverage: [beta] The max_cloud_coverage of the rasters (between 0 and 100) captured_before: ISO 8601 -formatted date / time of capture we want to list the rasters since captured_after: ISO 8601 -formatted date / time of capture we want to list the rasters from has_vector_layers: [beta] Whether or not the rasters have at least one vector layer page_number: Optional page (from 1) of the list we want to retrieve Returns: A list of rasters dictionaries Example: :: { 'id': '42', 'status': 'ready', 'name': 'raster1', 'folder_id': 'abc' }, { 'id': '43', 'status': 'ready', 'name': 'raster2', 'folder_id': 'def' } """ params: dict[str, Any] = {} if folder_id: params["folder"] = folder_id if search_string: params["search"] = search_string if user_tag is not None: params["user_tag"] = user_tag.strip() if max_cloud_coverage is not None: params["max_cloud_coverage"] = max_cloud_coverage if captured_before is not None: params["captured_before"] = captured_before if captured_after is not None: params["captured_after"] = captured_after if has_vector_layers is not None: params["has_vector_layers"] = bool(has_vector_layers) if page_number is not None: params["page_number"] = page_number return self._return_results_page("rasters", params)
[docs] def get_raster(self, raster_id: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Get raster information Args: raster_id: id of the raster Raises: APIError: There was an error while getting the raster information Returns: dict: Dictionary of the information """ resp = self.sess.get(self._api_url("rasters/%s/" % raster_id)) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) return resp.json()
[docs] def edit_raster( self, raster_id: str, name: str | None = None, folder_id: str | None = None, captured_at: str | None = None, identity_key: str | None = None, multispectral_band_specification: dict | None = None, cloud_coverage: int | None = None, user_tag: str | None = None, ): """ Edits an already existing raster. Args: name: New human-readable name for this raster folder_id: Id of the new folder for this raster (move is in another project) captured_at: new ISO-8601 date and time at which this raster was captured, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm[:ss[.uuuuuu]][+HH:MM|-HH:MM|Z]; e.g. "2020-01-01T12:34:56.789Z" identity_key: New personal identifier for this raster. multispectral_band_specification: The new band specification, see cloud_coverage: Raster cloud coverage new percentage user_tag (beta): Raster tag Returns: raster_id: The id of the edited raster """ data: dict[str, Any] = {} if name: data.update({"name": name}) if folder_id is not None: data.update({"folder_id": folder_id}) if captured_at is not None: data.update({"captured_at": captured_at}) if identity_key is not None: data.update({"identity_key": identity_key}) if multispectral_band_specification is not None: data.update( {"multispectral_band_specification": multispectral_band_specification} ) if cloud_coverage is not None: data.update({"cloud_coverage": cloud_coverage}) if user_tag: data.update({"user_tag": user_tag}) resp = self.sess.put(self._api_url("rasters/%s/" % raster_id), json=data) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) return raster_id
[docs] def delete_raster(self, raster_id: str): """ Deletes a given raster by its identifier Args: raster_id: The id of the raster to delete Raises: APIError: There was an error while trying to delete the raster """ resp = self.sess.delete(self._api_url("rasters/%s/" % raster_id)) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text)
[docs] def download_raster_to_file(self, raster_id: str, filename: str): """ Downloads a raster to a local file Args: raster_id: The id of the raster to download filename: The local filename where to save the raster image Raises: APIError: There was an error while trying to download the raster """ resp = self.sess.get(self._api_url("rasters/%s/download/" % raster_id)) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) raster_url = resp.json()["download_url"] logger.debug("Trying to download raster %s from %s.." % (raster_id, raster_url)) _download_to_file(raster_url, filename)
[docs] def set_raster_detection_areas_from_file(self, raster_id: str, filename: str): """ This is an experimental feature Set detection areas from a GeoJSON file Args: raster_id: The id of the raster to which to assign the detection areas filename: The filename of a GeoJSON file. This should contain a FeatureCollection of Polygon/MultiPolygon Raises: APIError: There was an error uploading the file to cloud storage """ # Get upload URL resp = self._api_url("rasters/%s/detection_areas/upload/file/" % raster_id) ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) data = resp.json() upload_url = data["upload_url"] upload_id = data["upload_id"] # Upload to blobstore _upload_file_to_blobstore(upload_url, filename) # Commit upload resp = self._api_url( "rasters/%s/detection_areas/upload/%s/commit/" % (raster_id, upload_id) ) ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) self._wait_until_operation_completes(resp.json())
[docs] def remove_raster_detection_areas(self, raster_id: str): """ This is an experimental feature Remove the detection areas of a raster Args: raster_id: The id of the raster whose detection areas will be removed Raises: APIError: There was an error during the operation """ resp = self.sess.delete( self._api_url("rasters/%s/detection_areas/" % raster_id) ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text)
[docs] def add_raster_to_detector(self, raster_id: str, detector_id: str): """ Associate a raster to a detector This a **beta** function, subject to change. Args: detector_id: The id of the detector raster_id: The id of the raster Raises: APIError: There was an error uploading the file to cloud storage """ resp = self._api_url("detectors/%s/training_rasters/" % detector_id), json={"raster_id": raster_id}, ) if not resp.status_code == 201: raise APIError(resp.text)
[docs] def create_detector( self, name: str | None = None, detection_type: str = "count", output_type: str = "polygon", training_steps: int = 500, backbone: str = "resnet34", tile_size: int = 256, background_sample_ratio: float = 0.25, ) -> str: """ Creates a new detector This a **beta** function, subject to change. Please note that depending on your plan some setting cannot be different from the default ones Args: name: Name of the detector detection_type: Type of the detector (one of 'count', 'segmentation') output_type: Output type of the detector (one of 'polygon', 'bbox') training_steps: Training steps the detector (integer between 500 & 40000) backbone: detector backbone (one of 'resnet18', 'resnet34', 'resnet50') tile_size: tile size (see HTTP API docs for the allowed values) background_sample_ratio: bg sample ratio (between 0 and 1) Returns: The id of the detector Raises: APIError: There was an error while creating the detector """ # Build request body body_data: dict[str, Any] = {"configuration": {}} if name: body_data["name"] = name for i in ( "detection_type", "output_type", "training_steps", "backbone", "tile_size", "background_sample_ratio", ): body_data["configuration"][i] = locals()[i] # Call API and check response resp ="detectors/"), json=body_data) if not resp.status_code == 201: raise APIError(resp.text) return resp.json()["id"]
[docs] def list_detectors( self, search_string: str | None = None, user_tag: str | None = None, is_shared: bool | None = None, page_number: int | None = None, ): """ List all the detectors the user can access, see `ResultsPage` for the pagination access pattern. Args: search_string: The term used to filter detectors by name user_tag: [beta] User tag to filter detectors by is_shared: [beta] Share status to filter detectors by page_number: Optional page (from 1) of the list we want to retrieve Returns: A list of detectors dictionaries Example: :: { 'id': '42', 'name': 'cow detector', 'configuration': { 'detection_type': 'count', 'output_type': 'bbox', 'training_steps': 787 } }, { 'id': '43', 'name': 'test5', 'configuration': { 'detection_type': 'segmentation', 'output_type': 'polygon', 'training_steps': 500 } } """ data: dict[str, Any] = {} if search_string is not None: data["search"] = search_string.strip() if user_tag is not None: data["user_tag"] = user_tag.strip() if is_shared is not None: data["is_shared"] = is_shared if page_number is not None: data["page_number"] = page_number return self._return_results_page("detectors", data)
[docs] def edit_detector( self, detector_id: str, name: str | None = None, detection_type: str | None = None, output_type: str | None = None, training_steps: int | None = None, backbone: str | None = None, tile_size: int | None = None, background_sample_ratio: float | None = None, ): """ Edit a detector This a **beta** function, subject to change. Please note that depending on your plan some settings may not be editable. Args: detector_id: identifier of the detector name: Name of the detector detection_type: The type of the detector (one of 'count', 'segmentation') output_type: The output type of the detector (one of 'polygon', 'bbox') training_steps: The training steps the detector (int in [500, 40000]) backbone: detector backbone (one of 'resnet18', 'resnet34', 'resnet50') tile_size: tile size (see HTTP API docs for the allowed values) background_sample_ratio: bg sample ratio (between 0 and 1) Raises: APIError: There was an error while editing the detector """ # Build request body body_data: dict[str, Any] = {"configuration": {}} if name: body_data["name"] = name for i in ( "detection_type", "output_type", "training_steps", "backbone", "tile_size", "background_sample_ratio", ): if locals()[i]: body_data["configuration"][i] = locals()[i] # Call API and check response resp = self.sess.put( self._api_url("detectors/%s/" % detector_id), json=body_data ) if not resp.status_code == 204: raise APIError(resp.text)
[docs] def delete_detector(self, detector_id: str): """ Deletes a given detector by its identifier Args: detector_id: The id of the detector to delete Raises: APIError: There was an error while trying to delete the detector """ resp = self.sess.delete(self._api_url("detectors/%s/" % detector_id)) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text)
[docs] def run_detector(self, detector_id: str, raster_id: str) -> str: """ Runs a detector on a raster: predictions are subject to a minimum charge of 10 MP. Args: detector_id: The id of the detector raster_id: The id of the raster Returns: operation_id: The id of the operation. You typically want to pass this to `download_result_to_feature_collection` """ resp = self._api_url("detectors/%s/run/" % detector_id), json={"raster_id": raster_id}, ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) operation_response = resp.json() self._wait_until_operation_completes(operation_response) return operation_response["operation_id"]
[docs] def download_result_to_file(self, operation_id: str, filename: str): """ Downloads a set of results to a local GeoJSON file .. deprecated:: 1.0.0 Use `download_result_to_feature_collection` instead Args: operation_id: The id of the operation to download filename: The local filename where to save the results """ warnings.warn( "This function is deprecated. Use download_result_to_feature_collection instead", DeprecationWarning, ) result_url = self.get_operation_results(operation_id)["url"] logger.debug("Trying to download result %s.." % result_url) _download_to_file(result_url, filename)
[docs] def download_result_to_feature_collection(self, operation_id: str, filename: str): """ Downloads the results from a detection operation to a local GeoJSON file. Results are stored as a FeatureCollection of Multipolygon. Each feature has a 'class_name' property indicating the corresponding class name Args: operation_id: The id of the operation to download. This should be a detect operation filename: The local filename where to save the results """ results = self.get_operation_results(operation_id) # We download results to a temporary directory and then assemble them into a # FeatureCollection fc: FeatureCollection = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []} for i, class_result in enumerate(results["by_class"]): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: _download_to_file(class_result["result"]["url"], # Reopen in read text with open( as fr: multipolygon = json.load(fr) fc["features"].append( { "type": "Feature", "properties": {"class_name": class_result["class"]["name"]}, "geometry": multipolygon, } ) with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(fc, f)
[docs] def download_operation_results_to_file(self, operation_id: str, filename: str): """ Downloads the results URL to a local GeoJSON file Args: operation_id: The id of the operation to download filename: The local filename where to save the results """ data = self.get_operation_results_url(operation_id) with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(data)
[docs] def get_operation_results(self, operation_id: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Return the 'results' dict of an operation This a **beta** function, subject to change. Args: operation_id: The id of the operation """ resp = self.sess.get( self._api_url("operations/%s/" % operation_id), ) return resp.json()["results"]
[docs] def get_operation_results_url(self, operation_id: str) -> str: """ Get the URL of a set of operation results This a **beta** function, subject to change. Args: operation_id: The id of the result """ return self.get_operation_results(operation_id)["url"]
[docs] def set_annotations( self, detector_id: str, raster_id: str, annotation_type: Literal[ "outline", "training_area", "testing_area", "validation_area" ], annotations: dict[str, Any], ): """ Replaces the annotations of type 'annotation_type' with 'annotations', for the given raster-detector pair. Args: detector_id: The id of the detector raster_id: The id of the raster annotation_type: One of (outline, training_area, testing_area, validation_area) annotations: GeoJSON representation of the features to upload """ # Get an upload url create_upload_resp = self._api_url( "detectors/%s/training_rasters/%s/%s/upload/bulk/" % (detector_id, raster_id, annotation_type) ) ) if not create_upload_resp.ok: raise APIError(create_upload_resp.text) upload = create_upload_resp.json() upload_url = upload["upload_url"] upload_id = upload["upload_id"] # Given we do not use self.sess the timeout is disabled (requests default), and this # is good as file upload can take a long time upload_resp = requests.put(upload_url, json=annotations) if not upload_resp.ok: logger.error( "Error when sending annotation upload %s to blobstore at url %s" % (upload_id, upload_url) ) raise APIError(upload_resp.text) # Commit upload commit_upload_resp = self._api_url( "detectors/%s/training_rasters/%s/%s/upload/bulk/%s/commit/" % (detector_id, raster_id, annotation_type, upload_id) ) ) if not commit_upload_resp.ok: raise APIError(commit_upload_resp.text) # Poll for operation completion self._wait_until_operation_completes(commit_upload_resp.json())
[docs] def train_detector(self, detector_id: str): """ Start the training of a detector Args: detector_id: The id of the detector """ resp ="detectors/%s/train/" % detector_id)) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) return self._wait_until_operation_completes(resp.json())
[docs] def run_dataset_recommendation(self, detector_id: str): """ This is an **experimental** feature Runs dataset recommendation on a detector. Note that you currently have to use the UI to be able to view the recommendation markers/report. Args: detector_id: The id of the detector """ resp = self._api_url("detectors/%s/dataset_recommendation/" % detector_id) ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) return self._wait_until_operation_completes(resp.json())
[docs] def run_advanced_tool( self, tool_id: str, inputs: dict[str, Any], outputs: dict[str, Any] ): """ This is an experimental feature Runs a tool and waits for its execution, returning the finished operation metadata Args: tool_id: The id of the tool to run inputs: tool inputs outputs: tool outputs Raises: APIError: There was an error while launching and executing the tool """ resp = self._api_url("advanced_tools/%s/run/" % tool_id), json={"inputs": inputs, "outputs": outputs}, ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) return self._wait_until_operation_completes(resp.json())
[docs] def upload_vector_layer( self, raster_id: str, filename: str, name: str | None = None, color: str | None = None, ) -> str: """ Uploads a vector layer from a GeoJSON file This a **beta** function, subject to change. Args: raster_id: The id of the raster we want to attach the vector layer to filename: Path to the local GeoJSOn file we want to upload name: Optional name to give to the vector layer color: Optional color of the vector layer, has an HTML hex color code (eg "#aabbcc") Returns; the vector layer unique identifier """ resp ="vector_layers/%s/upload/" % raster_id)) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) upload = resp.json() upload_id, upload_url = upload["upload_id"], upload["upload_url"] _upload_file_to_blobstore(upload_url, filename) data = {} if name is not None: data["name"] = name if color is not None: data["color"] = color resp = self._api_url( "vector_layers/%s/upload/%s/commit/" % (raster_id, upload_id) ), json=data, ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) op = self._wait_until_operation_completes(resp.json()) return op["results"]["vector_layer_id"]
[docs] def edit_vector_layer( self, vector_layer_id: str, name: str | None = None, color: str | None = None ): """ Edits a vector layer This a **beta** function, subject to change. Args: vector_layer_id: The id of the vector layer to remove name: new name color: new color """ data = {} if name: data.update({"name": name}) if color is not None: data.update({"color": color}) resp = self.sess.put( self._api_url("vector_layers/%s/" % vector_layer_id), json=data ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text)
[docs] def delete_vector_layer(self, vector_layer_id: str): """ Removes a vector layer This a **beta** function, subject to change. Args: vector_layer_id: The id of the vector layer to remove """ resp = self.sess.delete(self._api_url("vector_layers/%s/" % vector_layer_id)) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text)
[docs] def download_vector_layer_to_file(self, vector_layer_id: str, filename: str): """ Downloads a vector layer This a **beta** function, subject to change. Args: vector_layer_id: The id of the vector layer to download filename: existing file to save the vector layer in """ resp = self.sess.get(self._api_url("vector_layers/%s/" % vector_layer_id)) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) urls = resp.json()["geojson_urls"] final_fc: FeatureCollection = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": []} for url in urls: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w+") as f: _download_to_file(url, fc = json.load(f) for feature in fc["features"]: final_fc["features"].append(feature) with open(filename, "w") as fp: json.dump(final_fc, fp)
[docs] def list_raster_markers( self, raster_id: str, page_number: int | None = None, ): """ This a **beta** function, subject to change. List all the markers on a raster, see `ResultsPage` for the pagination access pattern. Args: raster_id: The id of the raster page_number: Optional page (from 1) of the list we want to retrieve """ return self._return_results_page( "rasters/%s/markers/" % raster_id, {"page_number": page_number} if page_number is not None else None, )
[docs] def create_marker( self, raster_id: str, detector_id: str | None, lng: float, lat: float, text: str, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ This is an **experimental** (beta) feature Creates a marker Args: raster_id: The id of the raster (belonging to detector) to create the marker on detector_id: The id of the detector to create the marker on. If this is None, the marker is created associated with the raster only Raises: APIError: There was an error while creating the marker """ if detector_id is None: url = "rasters/%s/markers/" % raster_id else: url = "detectors/%s/training_rasters/%s/markers/" % (detector_id, raster_id) data = { "marker": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [lng, lat]}, "text": text, } resp =, json=data) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) return resp.json()
[docs] def import_raster_from_remote_source( self, raster_name: str, folder_id: str, source_id: str, aoi_filename: str, method: Literal["streaming"] = "streaming", ) -> str: """ This is an experimental feature Import a raster from a remote imagery source given a GeoJSON file for the AOI Args: raster_name: Name of the new raster folder_id: The id of the folder / project the raster will live in source_id: The id of the remote imagery source to import from filename: The filename of a GeoJSON file. This should contain a FeatureCollection of Polygon/MultiPolygon representing the AOI of the new raster Raises: APIError: There was an error during import """ # Get upload URL resp ="rasters/import/")) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) data = resp.json() upload_url = data["upload_url"] upload_id = data["upload_id"] # Upload to blobstore _upload_file_to_blobstore(upload_url, aoi_filename) # Commit upload resp = self._api_url(f"rasters/import/{upload_id}/commit/"), json={ "method": method, "source_id": source_id, "folder_id": folder_id, "name": raster_name, }, ) if not resp.ok: raise APIError(resp.text) # Poll operation and get raster identifier operation = self._wait_until_operation_completes(resp.json()) return operation["metadata"]["raster_id"]
[docs] def list_raster_vector_layers( self, raster_id: str, search: str | None = None, detector_id: str | None = None, page_number: int | None = None, ): """ This a **beta** function, subject to change. List all the vector layers on a raster, see `ResultsPage` for the pagination access pattern. Args: raster_id: The id of the raster search: Optional string to search layers by name page_number: Optional page (from 1) of the list we want to retrieve """ params: dict[str, str | int] = {} if search is not None: params["search"] = search if detector_id is not None: params["detector"] = detector_id if page_number is not None: params["page_number"] = page_number url = "rasters/%s/vector_layers/" % raster_id return self._return_results_page(url, params)